Gathering with our church family on Sundays and in smaller groups during the week allows us to grow deeper in community and in our faith.
Sunday Gathering
Sunday gatherings are the way we Sabbath as a church. We acknowledge a day set apart for God through worship, teaching, communion, and prayer. It is a day to renew our minds and receive what God has for us. Unfortunately for some, Sunday can become a tired routine. We must remember that gathering is an opportunity to be aware of the activity of the Holy Spirit within RCC. God is in us, around us, and upon us when we gather. Because of this truth, we can show up filled with faith and expectant for all He does and will do.
City Groups
City Groups create a space for relational connectedness at River City Church. We feel like family, but we also want to live like family. City Groups are a meal, meaningful discussion, prayer, and support — all while being on mission together in the city. Joining a City Group is typically a 2-year commitment, excluding summers and the Christmas season.